Wrth gofio dichellion y ddraig

(Gogoniant yr Iesu yn y nefoedd - Rhan IV)
Wrth gofio dichellion y ddraig,
  A'i maglau mor aml a'r dail,
A'u taenu yn erbyn y wraig,
  A'u tori gan Adda yr Ail;
A'i weled e'n awr yn y nef,
  A'r bradwr hen obry yn y llyn;
Hwy ganant nes dawnsio'r holl le:
  P'le arall mae canu fel hyn?

2 Wrth gofio drachefn am hyn,
  Ei glwyfau, a
      chwerwder ei loes,
A'i guro ar Galfari fryn,
  Ei eiriau diwedda' ar y groes;
Y ddaear, ac uffern, a'r bedd,
  Ac angeu a'r gyfraith ynghyd,
Yn cwympo gan archoll ei gledd,
  Gwych folir
      Iachawdwr y byd.

3 Os ydyw rhai seintiau'n rhoi tro
  I waered i'r bydoedd īs nen,
'Does byth fyn'd o'u golwg a'u co'
  Ogoniant eu Harglwydd uwch ben:
Mae ef yn bresennol bob awr,
  Iddynt yma fel canol y ne',
Fe'i gwelant mewn nefoedd a llawr:
  Mae'm Iesu yn llanw pob lle.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8888D]:
Cleveland (Lowell Mason 1782-1872)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

  Rhan I - Mae'r lle sancteiddiolaf yn rhydd
  Rhan II - Y goleuni sy'n ninas ein Duw
  Rhan III - Angylion seraphiaid a saint
  Rhan V - Y rhai a'i canlynodd efe

(The glory of Jesus in heaven - Part 4)
On remembering the wiles of the dragon,
  And his snares as numerous as the leaves,
And their spreading against the woman,
  And their breaking by the Second Adam;
And seeing him now in heaven,
  And the old traitor below in the lake;
They sing until the whole place dances:
  Where else is there singing like this?

On remembering again therefore,
  His wounds, and the
      bitterness of his anguish,
And his beating on Calvary hill,
  His last words on the cross;
The earth, and hell, and the grave,
  And death and the law altogether,
Falling under the cut of his sword,
  Wonderfully is the Saviour
      of the world to be praised.

If some saints pay a visit
  Down to the worlds under the sky,
Never will the glory of their Lord above
  Go from their sight or their memory:
He is present every hour,
  To them here like the centre of heaven,
He they see in heaven and earth below:
  My Jesus is filling every place.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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